
            I am not the classic “beautiful woman”. I am however, beautiful when I allow God’s light to shine in me and through me to others. I allow it to shine when I am confident in his word and I trust him implicitly. For, when I am that confident, the ways of this world cannot distract me. When something is perceived as an awful event and I can see God in the middle of it, I have confidence that allows me to be bold in my faith. This is the beauty I strive for, hope for, and pray for. It cannot be taken away by age or disfiguration, by weight gain or loss, by exhausting days or sleepless nights. God gives beauty for ashes. he anoints us with the oil of gladness, and clothes us with garments of praise. We are planted oaks to display His glory! (Paraphrase Isaiah 6: 3)

            Today, I choose to cling to my Lord and Savior knowing he will make me beautiful and I will glorify him. Each day offers a choice of how we will live; either walking with God or going our own way. “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Joshua 24:15


  1. Jody, this is straight from the Father to one of His daughters. Love of the Father for us is beyond our understanding but when we get glimpses of His unconditional Love it is beautiful beyond words.

    1. Beautiful insights from a beautiful woman. Prayers and hugs to our loving Father's throne on your behalf.


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