
Showing posts from November, 2012

It's coming

            The turkey has been reduced to leftovers, the extended family has made their way back to their own dwelling and Thanksgiving Day is behind us once again. That means I can play my Christmas music without shame (been playing it since August) and I have begun the process of decorating my home. Even though my life has not been going the way I’d like it to go this year, the advent season puts a spring in my step and a smile on my face. Yet, every which way I turn; I am greeted with sounds of disgust regarding the approach of Christmas from non-believer and believer alike.             This state of affairs truly demonstrates how easily we can miss the joy of Christianity as it gets camouflaged by worldly objects and concerns. Focus on the nativity rather than the native shopper. Let the light of the star over Bethlehem be in your heart and mind rather than the flashing light of the cash register ringing up purchases. When the hustle and bustle seek to destroy your peace, f


            I am really not good with rejection of any sort. Rejection bruises the ego, whether it is being rejected by a person, a job application, a credit card application, okay, any application, rejection stings. I will usually attempt to rationalize or make myself feel better with a quip like, “It’s their loss.” Yet, below the surface I am licking my imaginary wounds. I may even be hoping for some karma to come back and bite the offender somehow. (I’m using karma for lack of a better word.)             I do believe (even know) that God uses these circumstances to shape us into the vessels he wants us to become. There is comfort in knowing that.   I mentioned in my last post that Don was a potter, I watched him throw pots and quite often (especially for the one of a kind pots) he would begin forming a lump of clay only to smash it down again and start over. Well my friends, if you remember, we too are made of the dust of the earth, the earth spins like the potter’s wheel and

Passionate Christian

            My husband, Don, knew from a young age what his passion was and he never wavered from his passion. (FYI – it was clay and pottery) I was always a bit envious of him for having that knowledge and direction and frequently told him that he had received a very special blessing. Even now, in my fifties, I am not entirely certain of my “passion”. I know that I enjoy writing, I enjoy being a Mom, and being a nurse, but passion? It occurs to me now; do I “enjoy” being a Christian? Do you? Let’s one up that, are we “passionate” Christians?             What does it look like to be a passionate Christian? If we look at the life of Christ, we see our servant king exemplifying what I think the passionate Christian life looks like. Christ lived a pretty reserved life, grew up in a small town and was generally a quiet guy. He didn’t draw attention to himself and actually discouraged others from doing it as well. Christ lived his life, passionately loving others, not as a media even


Disappointment is a hard pill to swallow, whether it is in oneself or in a loved one. None of us like to be disappointed. It means that we had a certain expectation that was not met. Life rarely goes the way we anticipate it going which means disappointment is likely a frequent event. When I have these moments (days) of disappointment, it sometimes takes all I can muster to remember that God knew I would be in this moment and it is okay because he has a plan. Matthew 10:29-31 says, “ Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.”   This is just one of so many verses in God’s word to remind us of his eternal love for us. I cling to such words when I am low in Spirit, when I need to refuel my spiritual tank I scour my bible to find these reminders. However, if I would keep my spiritual tank filled with the word,


Headache, stuffy nose, scratchy throat..yep, I’m sick. Have you ever noticed that when you are sick everything in your life is gloomier? I will grant you that it is difficult to be upbeat when you feel like a train wreck. I do, however, challenge you (and me) to not allow illness to change the color of your blessings. There is something about being sick that entices us to crawl into a hole with a blanket and pillow and wallow in our sickliness. Perhaps, if we avoid the hole and appreciate the soft blanket we can shorten the illness? So, I’m counting my blessings today and giving thanks for them, I am thankful for you, my readers, for allowing me to share my random thought processes with you. I am thankful for God who loves me unconditionally (even with a runny, chapped nose and a congestion induced speech impediment). I am thankful for Jesus, my Savior, who died for me while I am still a sinner. I am thankful for my family (shout out to my sister Wendy – Happy Birthday!) and the