wobbly wheel

Are you one of those people that grab the grocery cart with the wobbly wheel?  That cart seems to have a mind of its own and straight is a direction it has never gone.  Life get’s that way sometimes and we really have to hold tight onto the handle to keep from running into others on the path.  Gossip can be the wobbly wheel that drives us into someone else’s life and cause pain.

The bible speaks to the man who is able to control his tongue as being in control of his whole body (James 3:2).  Why is gossip a delicious treat to so many?  Does it make us feel better about ourselves?  Maybe for a moment but it is never a lasting satisfaction.  We are to use Jesus as our standard of measure, not other sinners. Looking at how Jesus handled the situations in his life, not once do we witness him sharing gossip or speaking without first considering his words.

Can you control your tongue?  I challenge you (and myself) to try.  Consider how your words might change the course of your day and those around you.  What would happen if you not only did not pass gossip along but also refused to listen to it in the first place?  We believe that gossip might only hurt the person it is spoken about, but it is a negative seed that takes root in the heart of the speaker and listener as well.  Negativity is like a virus that passes rapidly, from one person to the next. Choose your words wisely and choose to plant seeds of blessing by the words you speak. If we each brighten the space where we are, we can change the world.

James 3:6 “The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body.  It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.”







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