Have you ever
tried to rush God? It is sort of like
passing the slow driver only to have him pull up beside you at the next stop
light. When I am trying to rush my life,
I can hear the still small voice saying, “My grace is sufficient for you.” In addition, I am usually so distracted in my
rushing that I simply say, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know.” Do I really know? It is a constant battle for me, obviously, I
can’t just sit back and wait for some things to just fall into my lap, and I
must proceed with doing something, right? What if the thing I am rushing toward, is not
in God’s plan for me? (It is not always
crystal clear.) By the time I recognize
this fact I have quite often gotten myself tangled in some mess and muddied the
waters of my life. Then I sit down, feel
sorry for myself and ask God why?
Life really ought
to be lived purposefully, thoughtfully. In
order to do that I really shouldn’t rush into anything. So, I must pose the following questions
regarding my plans: 1. Is this within God’s will? 2. What do I hope to gain/achieve by this? 3. Is this truly within my reach or am I
attempting coerce the plan, am I rationalizing its benefits? When I step back and look at situations with
honest, faith filled and critical eyes rather than allowing desire to dictate
my behaviors. The answers are obvious. I
need to get out of the driver’s seat of the fast car and let God take me on the
journey he has in mind. It will always be the right path and get me where I
need to be, when I need to be there and produce the right results.
Dear Lord, enable
me to be patient, to trust and to follow your will. Take the wheel and I will do
my best to enjoy the ride. Amen
thanks for sharing, aunt jody!! i need to ask these questions to myself as well!!