
            This is my least favorite time of year for a handful of reasons. Ten years ago we learned that my husband and love of my life was dying of pancreatic cancer. Seven years ago, my middle daughter was confined to a wheelchair and dependent on others for her care and we learned that she has MS. Six years ago I had started chemotherapy for my own breast cancer. These were all significant challenges and even now, they affect me deeply. The memories flood my mind frequently this time of year and Facebook memories confront me too. Human nature is to fall into the pit of negative emotions.
            Yet, here I am, still standing, still living and still believing that God has a plan for me. “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11 I lean on this verse more often than I can count. God has been good to me, he has given people who love and care about me and my girls. He has restored the health of my daughter and myself. The challenges have drawn our little family closer together, we know that we can get through challenges by God’s grace.
            Does this mean I “want” to face similar challenges? No. At the same time, I know that with each one we face, we have been blessed. I also know that we were able to bless others on our journey. I don’t say that with arrogance, I know this because others have told me they were blessed. So, I can see that all our lives are intertwined, and God sees all the intricacies that weave the life of one person into the life of another. We are meant to be in relationship with God and with each other. I’m particularly fond of the analogy of the woven tapestry. The underside of any tapestry is a tangle of threads with no apparent pattern, but the topside displays an elegant pattern, beautiful to behold. On earth, we see the tangled underside, when we get to heaven, we will see the design that God wove in our lives.
            Don loved a good word picture. Quite often I would use a word picture to help him understand me. The tapestry word picture gives me comfort that the day will come when it will all make sense. Our lives have changed significantly in the last ten years. It is a frequent event in my mind to imagine what my life would be like if Don was still here with me. When I do, I also consider what has happened in the last ten years; places I’ve gone, people I’ve met and adventures I’ve pursued, and I can’t imagine my life without them either. So, yes, I trust God, my creator; he knows me, and he knows the plans he has for me. I pray that my life glorifies Him, and my faith continues to blossom and grow. He has a plan for you too!


  1. I love this beautiful story! Thank you for sharing. God bless you in the adventures ahead!


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