Merry Christmas!

            It’s Christmas morning. The words that repeatedly come to mind are; awe and wonder. For the Christian, this is a day to remember the awe and wonder of God’s great love for us. There are those who would argue that Jesus wasn’t born in December, but it doesn’t change what he has done for us. It is about remembering the most perfect gift the world ever received.
            During my childhood our tradition was to attend the children’s Christmas program on Christmas Eve and when we returned home, we would have our gift opening. The excitement and anticipation were palpable. I also recall the awe and wonder of the Christmas program, the church was filled with smiling, happy people, eager to see what the children had prepared. The glow of the lights from the tree created an ambiance of the holy, the sacred. And the message! We children had the great privilege of sharing the message of this great thing that had come to pass. Dressed in our Christmas finery and garnering the attention of the adults we proudly told them through word and song that Jesus was born! It was so very special, exceptional.
            Times have changed. But the story hasn’t. God still has great love for us. I crave that awe and wonder not just for myself but for everyone. The birth of Christ was prophesied by Isaiah seven hundred years before it occurred. Isaiah 7:14 “Therefore, the Lord will give you a sign; the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel.”  And Isaiah 9:6 “For unto us a child is born, a son is given, and the government will be upon His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Prince of Peace.”  This is beyond impressive. Then, when the event took place it went to another level entirely.
            Consider that Jesus left the right hand of God to be born in human form (humbling enough) but he did this through an ordinary girl, someone like you and I. He could have chosen to be born into royalty and what we would consider a cushy life but even that would have been a humbling experience for the Son of God. He had a makeshift bed in a manger, necessity is the mother of invention. Jesus left God’s side for this!
            Who were the first people to get the news of the Messiah’s birth? Shepherds. How did they get the news? A host of angels, not just one, a host, a multitude! There was no mistaking the message. Shepherds were the everyday common man; the people that Jesus came to earth to save.
            Awe and wonder! May it fill your day, may it fill your heart, may it fill your life. You are loved by a great God, not because of who you are but because of who He is. His love never changes.
            Merry Christmas!


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