Delight Yourself

            Noticeably, I have been absent from the blogosphere for a while. No excuses, just life. I will admit it has been a busy summer and fall. I sold my home, downsized to a smaller place in a different town, adopted a senior cat, and my greatest joy, I gained a granddaughter! Downsizing is not an easy experience as one sorts through all the sentimental properties one clings to for comfort. Prioritizing one’s emotional connections is a true challenge. I have also taken on the task of living alone for the first time in thirty plus years.
            As a Christian, I constantly remind myself I am not alone. God is with me. I admit after some time that thought becomes a platitude, especially when sitting by myself for the umpteenth evening in a row. Others have suggested getting out in the community and finding things to do, simple enough, correct? But is it? I want to step out, yet I find my couch (got a new one) really comfortable 😊.
            Prayer has been my blanket of comfort and digging into God’s promises has been the salve to soothe my spirit. I am especially thankful for Psalm 37: 3-4:
            “Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
            This leads to the question; how to take delight in the Lord? I have come to the conclusion that it is in trusting him implicitly, knowing that he has my best interests at heart. Trusting in God is a daily and conscious effort. It is a trust that brings contentment in your circumstances. It is also being alert to answered prayer. How many things have I prayed for that I soon forgot about? My pleas have certainly outnumbered my thank yous.
            I can honestly say, since I have changed my thoughts from “I’m alone” to “I am loved” my joy has increased. Life on earth will never be perfect but knowing God has my back and I am always welcome to spend time with him in scripture and prayer, I am blessed beyond words.



  1. It's been months since I checked in on your blog. Just out of sight out of mind for awhile. Now that I'm here, it's good to know that I'm only 8 days off. God is with us and he is good. I'm still running a good race just need to get back on track. Galatians 5:7 2 Timothy 4:6,7.


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