
            Something I hear a lot when my life feels like it is filled with pot holes; God has a plan. Although it is true, there are days when it feels like a platitude because whomever I am speaking with doesn’t want to listen anymore or even at all. Seeing another person hurting or angry makes us uncomfortable. But you know what? Uncomfortable is okay.
            I believe part of the problem is that we believe God’s plan is going to be a beautiful garden with no weeds or thorns. We need to remember this world is not our home, it probably should make us uncomfortable. The problem with comfort is that we never want to leave it, yet, leaving is paramount to leading others to find salvation in Jesus Christ. We will get to our home with the beautiful garden someday and when we do, won’t we want our friends and loved ones there with us?
            What if we demonstrated the same excitement about salvation that we do for a new phone, car, movie, game, job, home or any other material thing? The bigger question is why aren’t we that excited? There are people in my life who do not embrace salvation through Christ. I really want them to have the security that I know in Jesus. It is the place of comfort that should be shared. How can we say we love others if we won’t share the absolute best thing that ever existed or will exist; forgiveness, mercy and grace! Eternal life in a kingdom built from love!
            1 John 3:16 “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters.”
And coincidentally?
            John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

            That’s love on top of love!


  1. That's pretty good. If you want to read about love turn to John 3:16. Which book? Both. There is talk about love at every location marked as John 3:16. There's a gospel location and an epistle location. Because the 1st is easy to remember, now the 2nd is too. Thank you!


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