
            I started making baked goods about a year ago. Naturally, I have shared my successes with pictures on Instagram and Facebook. When something turns out well I get very excited about it and I want to share it. Honestly, I should be equally, if not more, excited to share the gift of eternity with others too. Why is it so difficult? The human tendency of course is that we don’t want to be rejected by our peers. People are a bit more receptive to a chocolate croissant than they are to a sermon or testimony. If we really consider it, my croissant will lead to hardened arteries and eventually death while my testimony could lead to life, eternal life. 
            What excites you enough to share it with your friends and family? In my bible study this morning I read John 17:24 (Jesus is praying) “Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world.”  As I read it, I had the image of a young boy being so excited to show his friends his new bedroom. It is so fun when a young child is just giddy with joy about sharing something special with an adult.  Jesus is giddy with love for us; he not only wants us to see his glory, he wants to share it with us!
            There are a couple points here that give me joy. First, the knowledge that I am a gift (you are too) from God the Father to his Son Jesus. How special are we that God believes we are good enough for his Son, his perfect Son? It makes me want to stand up tall with a huge grin on my face. Secondly, Jesus loves me (and you) so much that he has this very special thing, glory, he not only wants to show us but he wants to give it to us too! The glory of God is not a flash in the pan as it is on earth, his glory is eternal. There is no number of little gold statues that can come anywhere near the glory of God.
            The difficulty with the written word is that excitement does not translate as well as if one is face to face with another. I’m thankful for the images God gives me as I read his word. It gives me a bolder idea like a neon sign flashing to draw my attention.  This is big news; God is excited about you!

            Nehemiah 8:10 “Nehemiah said ‘Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our Lord. Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”


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