Finish line
Back in
December I had a knee replacement and spent several weeks recovering while on
pain medication. This partially explains my absence in the last few months.
Today, marks a few memorable occasions in my life. Seven years ago today my
husband passed away. Four years ago today my daughter was diagnosed with MS and
admitted to the hospital. One year ago today my mother had a serious seizure
that landed her in the hospital and accelerated her decline into severe
dementia. Today, I ran my first 5K since my knee surgery. My goal was simply to
not be last to cross the finish line. I met that goal and even did better than
I expected.
As I ran,
jogged, walked and wheezed my way through this race and pondered my goal; I was
inspired to think about the ultimate finish line. My goal was related to my own
pride. As a lifelong Christian I have
been glad that I am not the last in line to know Jesus as my Savior. However,
it can be a trap to think that way, to think that it somehow makes me better to
already have him in my life. It makes my life better for sure but this is
nothing of which I can be prideful. I can only boast in Christ. In Matthew 20 we read the parable of the
workers in the vineyard; three different groups began working in the field at different
times, yet at the end of the day all were paid the same. Those who started the
earliest were a bit put out about this. Jesus told this parable to his
disciples; even they needed to be reminded that our salvation is due to the
grace of God.
I further
considered the idea that many will indeed wait till the very last minute to
get on board with Christ, just so they’re not last. But you see, the difference
in my goal today is that I knew where the finish line was. In the race of
mortality; we do not know when we will cross the finish line. It is akin to playing Russian roulette, are
you willing to spin the barrel of a revolver?
Matthew 24:36 “But about that day or hour no
one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”
Where is your finish line? How far will
you go in this life? Will you run away from him or to him? Don’t wait, life is
better with Jesus in it.
Great perspective and accomplishment on a day that is obviously difficult!