“You’re in remission.” These were
wonderful words to hear, a great way to bring this year to its close. That word
“remission” has been tumbling through my mind the last few days. If we break it
down, re means again and mission means an important assignment to be carried
out. It really describes every day of our lives; we are in remission daily as
we carry out the assignments God has given us. 2 Corinthians 5:7:”Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new
creation. The old has passed away and the new has come.” Every day is a new
day, a new opportunity and a new you!
physical terms, remission is when the body is cleared of cancer, it is clean.
In the spiritual world remission comes through the forgiveness we gain through
Jesus Christ, we are clean. Anyone who has ever done a deep cleaning of her
house knows how much better we feel when that is accomplished, it is a fresh
start. The same is true of forgiveness.
day we make the choice, will we live the mission? We don’t have to go to
foreign lands for mission work, anytime we are with other people we are in the
mission field. We don’t need to quote scripture and know the bible inside out
(although these are worthy goals) we need to live by example and love
unconditionally as Christ loves us. Whether you are a quiet witness or a bold
speaker, you are a missionary; your life is your testimony. To what are you
testifying today?
As always, a very well written post. So glad to hear you're in remission from the cancer. You and your family have struggled enough this year, so I hope the new year brings you peace and much love.