Forgive God?

            Have you ever felt the need to forgive God? That is a rather audacious thought, forgiving the forgiver?  However, if you have gotten angry with God, you have apparently felt he wronged you in some way, right? When someone does us wrong we must choose to either forgive or carry the grudge. If we get angry with God and stop speaking to him, we are carrying a grudge, we feel wronged.

            Put simply, we either believe in God or we don’t. Our relationship with God is a lot like marriage, it’s for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer and any other set of opposites we want to throw in there. Like it or not, if we believe in God, we believe in his perfection too. We live in a sin filled world that can twist our thinking to believe we deserve a stress-free, worry-free, illness-free, whatever-free life. If we are honest with ourselves we know all we really deserve is death. We do serve a loving, living God. He gives us mercy, grace and forgiveness, without reservation. He carries no grudges with us. He moves our sin as far as the east is from the west. Psalm 103:11, 12 “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” Check this out: deserve versus do serve. The prefix de means to remove or opposite which would indicate that we feel God should serve us but when we do serve, we serve God, as it should be.

            Forgiveness is as much (if not more so) for the forgiver as it is for the forgiven. Forgiving someone releases us of the bondage of anger; it frees us to go forward with our lives. Maybe you have met someone who can forgive other people easily but they are still sporting a grudge with God.  Instead of forgiving God though, they (we) need to ask for his forgiveness and let go of the grudges.  Whatever we are going through, good time or bad, we can trust God to walk beside us we do need to remember that God has good manners and awaits our invitation to walk with us. Reach out your hand and ask him to hold it, you’ll be glad you did.


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