have never thought of myself as a vain person. I’m not a girly girl who wears
makeup or styles my hair. However, watching my hair fall out, the tug toward
vanity has become pretty strong. We never realize what a blessing we have until
we no longer have it. As I showered today and the hair collected around the
drain I felt the urge to sob and just as I was about to give in I distinctly
heard, “I see what’s on the inside.” I stopped the sob and thought about that.
What is on the inside?
you are familiar with the Proverbs 31 woman. She is the woman I strive to be,
honestly, some days I strive harder than others. Proverbs 31:30 “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman
who fears the Lord is to be praised.” Fearing the Lord does not mean being
afraid, it means to respect him, to listen to him, to place value in his love
for me. How easy it is for this world to convince us that outward beauty is of
the greatest importance. And how shallow is that? Beauty comes from within, it
is how we serve others, it is in how we act and react to situations. The heart
that belongs to God is filled with the peace that passes all understanding; it
steps back from the world and considers God’s view of any given situation.
am not saying we should all abandon our jewelry boxes and makeup cases for yoga
pants and t-shirts. There is value is putting one’s best face forward. However,
the inner beauty of character far outweighs the physical appearance. May we all
fear the Lord, women and men alike.
thanks for sharing as you process this! what a truly beautiful lesson to ponder! love you!