
Showing posts from August, 2013

gift or burden

            It occurred to me today that I do not view many of God’s gifts to me as gifts on a regular basis; I often see them as burdens. I know I am not alone in this thinking. It is back to school season and many parents are rejoicing that they can send their children back into the educational trenches. Gifts or burdens? I have a home that shelters me, at times I have to clean it, fix it or update it and I groan. Gift or burden? I have a job that provides me a steady paycheck and other benefits, yet I whine (not always) about going to that job. Gift or burden? You get the picture.             As a society, we make sport of complaining, groaning and whining and if we can throw in a sarcastic comment while we’re at it, we get brownie points. Imagine how much better life could be if we traded complaints for appreciation. In every situation we are to give thanks. 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18 “Rejoice always, pray continually and give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will


            I was probably about six years old when I made the most wonderful gift purchase of my life. I remember handing over my grubby dollar bills as the person at the counter handed me the most beautiful key chain that I knew would just make my big brother so happy. The key chain was basically a large clear marble with gold flecks inside, it probably weighed half a pound, I was mesmerized. At six years old, I never gave consideration to the fact that Mike would have this miniature ball and chain to lug around. All I saw was this beautiful unique gift. I remember being so eager to see him open the gift but I really can’t remember how he reacted, which leads me to think he was not as impressed as I was with my selection.             Looking back I can see how awkward that key chain was. The perspective of a six year old is so different than that of an adult. The same is true for spiritual infants and seasoned people of faith. For people new to faith or unsure of their faith,


            When we would go somewhere and things were not going according to plan, Don was known to say with great enthusiasm, “It’s an adventure!” I often hear this phrase in my head and it makes me smile every time. Making the best of any situation is key to getting through it as unscathed as possible. I wish I could say I always put things in the positive and make the best of things but the truth is, I get frustrated, angry and as fed up as the next person.             One thing I do when I find myself in an unwanted “adventure” is try to step back from it for a moment or two and ask myself why has God put me here just now? Then I offer a prayer of thanksgiving that God is with me and ask for His direction. The answers are not instant and many times I get no clear answer and I just have to trust. Perhaps, my situation was for another’s benefit, I may never know. We tend to think of our lives as isolated events and we focus on how things affect us as individuals. Yet, we do n