
Showing posts from September, 2012


Awesome is an overused word…most of the time. I am currently traveling in the area of Sedona, Arizona and I find myself using the word around every corner (or roundabout in Sedona’s case) I have been in awe of God’s handiwork during the 120+ miles I have driven thus far. The steep red cliffs, the sloping mountains with green trees and cacti and even the expanse of country; each one distinctly different yet created by God. I have seen many vistas in my travels and I never cease to be amazed at the creativity of God. Consider the Arizona landscape, God takes four basic colors (green, brown, red, yellow) and paints the most beautiful pictures with this limited palette. So, I offer this for your consideration. God placed beauty all over this world, not just Arizona or the Caribbean but right where we live too. I challenge each of us (myself included) to look around our environment and see and appreciate what we have been given. It’s bound to be awesome!

wobbly wheel

Are you one of those people that grab the grocery cart with the wobbly wheel?   That cart seems to have a mind of its own and straight is a direction it has never gone.   Life get’s that way sometimes and we really have to hold tight onto the handle to keep from running into others on the path.   Gossip can be the wobbly wheel that drives us into someone else’s life and cause pain. The bible speaks to the man who is able to control his tongue as being in control of his whole body (James 3:2).   Why is gossip a delicious treat to so many?   Does it make us feel better about ourselves?   Maybe for a moment but it is never a lasting satisfaction.   We are to use Jesus as our standard of measure, not other sinners. Looking at how Jesus handled the situations in his life, not once do we witness him sharing gossip or speaking without first considering his words. Can you control your tongue?   I challenge you (and myself) to try.   Consider how your words might change the course of

the mantle of love

You have to love the gentleness of God.   He is present, not pushy.   He is patient beyond measure (all the times I’ve wandered and he continues to love me).   He doesn’t just love, he IS love.   It isn’t that our sins don’t hurt him, they do.   I often wonder, how do I let go of bitterness?   As obvious as it seems right now, following the example of God is how to let go.   He has led by example for eternity, he sent Christ to die for us while we were yet sinners. Time and time again, I fall short of his glory and time and time again, he forgives me and loves me.   Even when I behave as a defiant child, he stands by me, he gently reminds me of his love and forgiveness. It is never withheld. Why do I feel the need to withhold love and forgiveness from those who hurt me?   How can I possibly feel justified to be unloving when love is all I’ve been shown?   It is an unending struggle between the sinful me and the forgiven me.   The truly cool thing about forgiveness is that it is


Ever feel like you’re life is making a very slow, wide U-turn?   It is that time in life when you understand that you are on the wrong trajectory and you need to change something but change sounds sooo painful. Even knowing that in your greatest struggles you achieve the greatest growth, does not always ease the pain.   I’ve concluded it is a matter of where you place your focus.   Where there is change, there is tunnel vision and all we see is the pain. If we would only back away and get the view of the big picture, we could turn happily and quickly from our old ways.   To repent is to turn around.   It is to turn and go the opposite direction because the current path will only lead to troubles. (I know I have been on this theme for a couple posts)   If only God lined the path with sweet treats and flashing neon signs to make it easier.   But God does not coerce us.   He simply waits for us to love him (He already loves us) he doesn’t need to sell himself.   So, why do we attem