
Showing posts from May, 2012

Hot potato

            We have had breezes that last few days.   There is something about a cool breeze, any breeze at all for that matter, which refreshes.   In New Testament Greek, the word for spirit and wind (aka breeze) is the same word.   I am often reminded of the Holy Spirit and comforted by the wind.   It serves as a reminder that there are things we can’t see exactly but we can see their effects, we can feel their presence.   The Holy Spirit is a rather subtle entity though, often times moving behind the scenes, it requires one to be acutely aware of little details.   I often recognize the Holy Spirit at work “after the fact” when I perform my own retrospective observation of a situation.             Love is another such entity.   We are not always aware of it in the physical sense but we can see its effects. I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised by that, after all, God is love.   When we consider all the possible intangible qualities; love, appreciation, encouragement, satisfaction,


            I have been cleaning today. I have a cabinet where I place things I don’t think I should throw away but I’m not sure where to put them, it is akin to a junk drawer (c’mon, everyone has one of those). As I have sorted through papers and cards, I have uncovered some gems of memories that brought smiles and laughter.   For instance, I found a letter from my daughter pleading her case to “abstain” from school one particular Friday. In general, I found a great many papers that have no meaning to me; I haven’t laid eyes on them for anywhere from months to years, I’m pretty sure I have discarded the equivalent of a young oak tree today.   I am pleased with my ability to part with these things but it raises a bigger question, why did I feel the need to hold onto them in the first place?             This leads me to question what emotional clutter am I hanging onto that separates me from the gem of life with Christ?   I keep playing the “if only” game with myself too.   If only

What do you smell?

            I have mentioned before that I am an aroma sort of girl.   This morning in my bible reading I once again came across the verse in 2 Corinthians 2:15, 16 “For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.   To one we are the smell of death; to the other the fragrance of life.   And who is equal to such a task?”             It raised the question in my mind, what do life and death smell like? When I think of the smell of death, it isn’t too difficult to come up with odors; rotting fruits or vegetables, perhaps the dead skunk in the road smell.   Since I own two dogs, I am continually faced with the challenge of trying to keep my home smelling fresh, while it isn’t a smell of death, it isn’t a smell I care to live with either. We desire fresh scents, we desire life.             The aromas of life are those scents that bring a smile to one’s face. Some of the smells that come to my mind are fresh mown grass, a baby just o

Lover of my Soul

            Romance novels have a way of making a girl blush.   In general, a woman appreciates the concept of being swept off her feet, and treasured and protected by a strong man.   Lately, I have been mulling over the idea of Jesus as a lover, (Got your attention, don’t I?) hear me out before you get outraged.             The most intimate relationship anyone can share is that of the lover. It is intensely personal, a lover sees you in your most vulnerable conditions. A lover loves you in your most vulnerable conditions.   Being a lover requires trust.   Being a real lover places the other’s needs before your own.   Doesn’t that describe Jesus?   Shouldn’t that describe Jesus and his place in your life?   How could one be any more vulnerable than stripped bare, humiliated and hanging on a cross?             As a single woman, it comforts me a great deal to know that Jesus truly is the lover of my soul.   He treasures me and protects me and if putting himself in harms way for

Cheap Seats

            One of my concerns about heaven is; will it be so filled with souls that I will be lost in the crowd?   Will I be stuck in the “cheap seats”?   This morning the thought crossed my mind that perhaps in my own life, I have relegated God to the cheap seats.   When I consider all the activities of my life, as mundane as they can be, do I keep God front and center? Do I give God the best seat in my house?   I am embarrassed to realize that I do not, at least not consistently.             The truth is, God doesn’t “need” to be front and center, I need him to be front and center in my life.   After all, he is my biggest fan.   There is no one who loves me more than God, that makes him my number one fan.   It is essential that each day, every day, I make a concerted effort to escort God to the best seat in my house. Not for his benefit but mine.   He gives me strength to face the challenges, comfort when I am hurting and the faith to trust him in all things.             Fat