
Showing posts from October, 2016

Eyes wide shut

            Have you ever considered the phrase; eyes wide shut? There are so many social injustices in the world that it would likely take days to list them all; hunger, poverty, abuse, rape, murder, abortion, unemployment, inequality, debilitating diseases, pharmaceutical robbery, drug addictions, the 2 party system and on and on. If we sit back and think about all of them we can become quite depressed or even worse quite complacent. With so many causes in the world how does one take a stand for social justice? It has long been my belief that we should choose one or two on which to take a vigorous stand against. This tends to mean we close our eyes to the others; eyes wide shut. We know they exist but we do not take any stand.             It is so overwhelming! There are no plausible excuses for many of these causes, other causes present opposing views. I have my personal beliefs about these issues and I align my beliefs with scripture as best as I am able. However, I am also an a


            It has been a few months since my last blog entry. It was a summer of funerals for me. While I don’t dwell on grief I must admit it took the wind out of my sails so to speak. Yet, it is wind that I want to focus on tonight.             I have this association between wind and the Holy Spirit. It goes back a few years to when I tried to learn New Testament Greek. The Greek word for Spirit is “pneuma” which also translates to wind. It is so appropriate! We can’t see wind but we can see what the wind affects. As I write this Hurricane Matthew is slogging the southeastern coastline. It has been windy all week in Northern Illinois, I love the feel of air movement, I can tolerate heat if there is a breeze.             In medical terms “pneuma” relates to the lungs, more wind. If you have ever had the “wind knocked out of you” the connection is obvious. We need the wind in our lungs to make ourselves heard as wind must pass through the vocal chords to create voice. We also ne