
Showing posts from January, 2016


                       I just watched a video about labels which raised many valid points about our fellowman. (   ) It got me thinking which labels I wear without even thinking about it. Some labels I earned; friend, wife, mother, nurse, blogger. Others were bestowed; widow, daughter, sister, white, American. There are probably a few other labels others have placed upon me that I am not aware of or choose to ignore. What about the label of Christian? Did I earn it or was it bestowed? I believe it is a combination of the two. I was born into a Christian family and raised to believe in Jesus as my Savior. At the same time, it is through continued prayer and contact with God’s word that I remain a Christian. It is through experiencing life and the Holy Spirit working in me that causes me to trust God and cherish the promise of the heavenly mansion that awaits me.

go the distance

             Proverbs 19:21 “Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”            To piggyback on yesterdays post. Do you live your life as a series of sprints from one event to the next? Perhaps paycheck to paycheck, holiday to holiday or game day to game day? I think it is safe to say we have all thought, at least once, if I can just…. (insert occasion) I will be alright. As I have been going through physical therapy for my knee I have need of assistance, initially a walker, now a cane. I can get around the house quite well without the cane but if I want to go any distance I need the cane for support. That phrase, ‘go the distance’ has been whirling around in my head. What is ‘the distance’? We are not to worry about tomorrow but to be present in the here and now. So the distance we deal with is the time we are awake each day, giving it our best to serve the Lord. That truly is all we need to focus on because God has already covered the

Long haul

            I am not one who typically watches the stock market rise and fall. However, I do have a 401K retirement account I keep an eye on since I want to be prepared for retirement (it is getting closer all the time.) The last few weeks have been brutal on my retirement fund; it is a bit frightening. What I hold onto is a bit of financial wisdom given to me when I first began my 401K; remember “You’re in it for the long haul.” There will be ups and downs, don’t panic just hold on.             That is how I am feeling right now about my Christian living; I’m in it for the long haul -eternity! There are plenty of ups and downs in the Christian life. It can be tough to hold my head up when I feel under attack. Attack may be a strong word but when there are so many accusations thrown around on social media I have an internal battle of do I defend or ignore?             Anyone who knows me personally can tell you I am non-confrontational. When I get angry and upset I become tongue t

Out of the fog

            I have spent the past three weeks in and out of a medicated fog following surgery. While I have gotten some great sleep, had some interesting conversations and incredible dreams; coming out of the fog is a much better place to be. It is quite difficult to collect one’s thoughts when taking medications that make one groggy. This blog has been on my mind but I could not get my act together long enough to write anything cohesive (praying this will be cohesive). Nor could I decide a topic upon which to write.             I was in the hospital for 2 days and the main thing I desired was to be treated as a patient and not a nurse (this is difficult when you are in the care of your peers). I have been on both sides of this scenario, it is difficult to not assume the nurse/patient already knows what she should do for her recovery. It is also difficult to stop ‘being’ a nurse when you’re in the bed. I found myself silencing the IV pump, disconnecting things and doing things a nur