
Showing posts from July, 2015


                We all ponder the same question at some point in life; “What is my purpose here?” I myself have wrestled with this question and recently a thought occurred to me as my brother was asking the question. I have always thought of life purpose as singular thing and I now realize that thought is all wrong. We do not have a singular purpose; we live lives of purpose daily. We have a million purposes!                 Think about this, an average life span is about 80 years, 365 days a year gives us close to 30,000 days. Each day we encounter multiple activities, happenstances, interactions and so on. Even the mundane things of life have purpose, from brushing our teeth to fixing dinner to tucking our children into bed; it all serves purpose. I will grant you, it is not always thrilling purpose. I will even go so far as to say that sometimes our purpose is nefarious but God can bring good from it, maybe not good for us personally but for another. Perhaps we serve as the e


                I believe that there is confusion in the world today about the fact there is a difference between opinion and judgement.   Stating one’s opinion these days can put one in hot water pretty fast. There are also a great many people who are quick to take offense where none was intended.   Before we jump to conclusions as to who in our lives these statements apply to, we must consider how they apply to us.   It does feel as though Christianity is under attack; we are the culture de jour of contempt. This is not new; Christianity has been under attack since its inception.   It has been an ongoing battle that we have taken for granted in America. Citizens of Asian and Arab nations have had to fight and sacrifice everything to claim the love of Christ.                 We claim the love of Christ but do we demonstrate it? Do we voice our opinions with love or do we pass judgement?   A sure fire way to determine the difference is to determine if we have administered a cons