Have you ever tried to rush God? It is sort of like passing the slow driver only to have him pull up beside you at the next stop light. When I am trying to rush my life, I can hear the still small voice saying, “My grace is sufficient for you.” In addition, I am usually so distracted in my rushing that I simply say, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know.” Do I really know? It is a constant battle for me, obviously, I can’t just sit back and wait for some things to just fall into my lap, and I must proceed with doing something, right? What if the thing I am rushing toward, is not in God’s plan for me? (It is not always crystal clear.) By the time I recognize this fact I have quite often gotten myself tangled in some mess and muddied the waters of my life. Then I sit down, feel sorry for myself and ask God why? Life really ought to be lived purposefully, thoughtfully. In order to do that I really shouldn’t rush into anything...