
Showing posts from August, 2012


Have you ever tried to rush God?   It is sort of like passing the slow driver only to have him pull up beside you at the next stop light.   When I am trying to rush my life, I can hear the still small voice saying, “My grace is sufficient for you.”   In addition, I am usually so distracted in my rushing that I simply say, “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know.”   Do I really know?   It is a constant battle for me, obviously, I can’t just sit back and wait for some things to just fall into my lap, and I must proceed with doing something, right?   What if the thing I am rushing toward, is not in God’s plan for me?   (It is not always crystal clear.)   By the time I recognize this fact I have quite often gotten myself tangled in some mess and muddied the waters of my life.   Then I sit down, feel sorry for myself and ask God why? Life really ought to be lived purposefully, thoughtfully.   In order to do that I really shouldn’t rush into anything.   So, I must pose the following questions regar

The Faith Credit Line

            So, it hasn’t been the best year of my life, quite honestly, I’m ready to welcome 2013 with open arms.   When life isn’t going my way I’m inclined to cut myself slack, it begins with little things like “I deserve this candy bar.”   It progresses to “I really need to sleep in today; I’ll go to church next week.”   It can even continue to cheapening my prayers to a simple, “You know what I need God.” I keep telling myself I still have faith, I still believe Jesus is my savior. However, each of these moments of cutting myself slack is like running up the balance on a credit card, the individual purchases seem reasonable and harmless but the next thing you know you’ve maxed out your credit card.   These are the deceptions that Satan employs to pull us away from the Christ-centered life.   When we come to our senses, we are so far from the path of life we feel powerless and ashamed (more of Satan’s tactics).   We come back to God with that hangdog expression and he looks upon u