
Showing posts from February, 2012


            It’s been a while since I’ve written. With all the things going on in my life right now, one would think I should have gobs of material to blog about. Yet, when I brainstorm for ideas, I keep coming up empty, why? I can only deduce that I have lost my focus.             I really do try to put each day into the perspective of, what does God want of me today? Does God have something special in mind, a certain task to perform or a person to talk to? I can’t get past the noise in my own head to hear him clearly. I want to hear him; I want to be closer to him.             Lent begins this week and instead of giving something up I have decided to give God more of me. I am going to commit to draw closer to him. Rather than ramble on in prayer about my problems, I intend to dig deeper into His word and listen to Him. Hopefully, by Easter I will be more centered and more in love with my Savior than ever before. “With God, all things are possible.”

leave it

I am facing one of the biggest battles of my life.   My child is seriously ill.   She will get better but her recovery will be months in the process Try as I might to leave this struggle in God’s hands, I repeatedly fail. How I wish I could say that I am good with all this and I know that God will bring good from it. Truthfully, I’m not good with it.   I want her fully recovered…now!   I want her to not have to face the battle that is ahead of her.   I want to rewind the clock and somehow avert this from ever happening. How I wish I could blog that my faith is carrying through this struggle with ease, but I can’t.   But you know what?   Faith doesn’t make things easy; faith does help us to view things from another perspective.   Prayer chains all over the world have been praying in her behalf. It may go without saying but I too have been praying.   I don’t know how all this is going to turn out or what God has in mind to bring good from it.   I do trust that he will bring good from th