
Showing posts from September, 2020


                  Everyone wants to be heard, but no one wants to listen. It happens all the time, in the home, at work, the city, the state, the nation and internationally. We all want to make our point, but we don’t listen to the opposite point of view. We’ve already made up our mind on a topic and we aren’t going to budge.                 All the divisiveness in our country is so frustrating. What would happen if we could sit at a table with others who see things differently than we do and we listened? Hearing and listening are completely different. We need to listen to understand yet how often are we formulating our response before we have even heard completely what the other person is saying? I know I am guilty of this.                 True listening allows us the opportunity to consider a different perspective. Forget walking in someone else’s shoes, it can’t be done. But listening and asking questions to understand; this is real discourse and holds the keys to resolving the