
Showing posts from January, 2019

God Means It

        In my bible time this past week the message that spoke to me is, God means what he says. Now, this may seem an obvious statement. But consider your every day actions, the little things you do without thought or consideration, the things on autopilot. Perhaps, it’s holding onto the extra quarter the cashier gives you by mistake. It could be the cigarette butt you throw out your car window. Or (as in my case) it isn’t using your turn signal. I was driving to work in the wee hours of the cold, snowy morning, there was only one other car on the road approximately a quarter mile behind me. Unbeknownst to me it was a police car. I was in a right turn lane, the type with a curb so turning right was the only option, after making my turn it was only about thirty seconds later that the red and blue lights of the police car began flashing. Fortunately, I received a warning and not a ticket.         Initially, I was bit indignant. There were no other cars on the road, there was no othe

Worst-case scenario

            What is it about the human mind that immediately heads to the direction of the worst-case scenario? We hear about a snow storm coming and everyone stocks up groceries as if it were the apocalypse, in reality, the norm is that we might be inconvenienced for a day. I admit there are some storms the necessitate such provision but overall, that is rare. Facing health challenges causes a similar mindset for many or people might go to the other extreme and not take their health seriously. Then they become bitter and complaining when their bodies respond to the lack of care. Women are especially guilty of not caring for themselves and there are industries dedicated to playing on that guilt. Whatever health issue you are facing there is a business that will capitalize on it. But I digress. I have been contemplating; what is the worst-case scenario? Many consider it death. Is that really true though? For the Christian, death is the avenue to our eternal life with Christ. Aren’


                         When do you ask for help? Do you wait for all options to be spent? Or are you quick to realize that help is needed? I have been meditating on Psalm 46:1-3 “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging.”             I have been contemplating the words, “an ever-present help in trouble.” It may just be semantics, but I keep wondering why wait until we are in trouble?   I am particularly fond of the song by Matt Maher, “Lord, I need You,” I especially connect with the refrain; “Lord, I need You, oh, I need You Every hour I need You My one defense, my righteousness Oh God, how I need You .” This is truth! I need God in every moment of every day. He is the one I express my gratitude to for everything from waking up in the morning to my salvation through C