
Showing posts from May, 2017

The Plan

            A couple days ago I referred to God having a plan. Do you ever question that he has a plan for you? I encourage you to consider who Jesus selected as his disciples.             Take a look at the men Jesus chose as his disciples; fishermen, tradesmen, a tax collector? Although fairly respectable they were not well educated, but the 12 disciples shared their faith with all the known world at that time. Ordinary people, like you and me, & changed the world (without the internet!)             I just completed a study of the book of John, one of the gospels of the New Testament. John has a different way of telling about Jesus’ ministry than the other gospels do. One of the things that hit home with me is the contrast between John and Peter. John comes across as a calm, observant and reserved man. Peter, however, was impulsive, enthusiastic and quick to speak. As I read about Jesus meeting the disciples on the shore of Galilee after his resurrection, I kept thinking of


            Something I hear a lot when my life feels like it is filled with pot holes; God has a plan. Although it is true, there are days when it feels like a platitude because whomever I am speaking with doesn’t want to listen anymore or even at all. Seeing another person hurting or angry makes us uncomfortable. But you know what? Uncomfortable is okay.             I believe part of the problem is that we believe God’s plan is going to be a beautiful garden with no weeds or thorns. We need to remember this world is not our home, it probably should make us uncomfortable. The problem with comfort is that we never want to leave it, yet, leaving is paramount to leading others to find salvation in Jesus Christ. We will get to our home with the beautiful garden someday and when we do, won’t we want our friends and loved ones there with us?             What if we demonstrated the same excitement about salvation that we do for a new phone, car, movie, game, job, home or any other mater