
            Decisions; what is your guide to making a decision? I want very much to follow God’s will for me. Somethings are quite obvious and fit easily for me, others, not so much. It isn’t that something is “wrong” in fact it is quite the opposite but that doesn’t automatically indicate that it is right for me. It would be so sweet if God would send me a distinct message that said; I choose you for this role.
            I begin to think of all the sayings and scriptures that apply, such as; God does not call the equipped. he equips the called. I also remember all the characters of biblical history that carried out God’s will: Abraham, left his home to go to the place God would show him, a very comfortable home too. Gideon, the least of the least, wiping out an army; Moses, a basket case with a speech impediment, leading the children of Israel; David, a shepherd boy and eventual adulterer, slaying a giant and capturing God’s own heart. The list is pretty extensive. In fact, I can’t think of single time that God called on the upper echelon to make things happen, except to demonstrate their foolishness in placing their trust in earthly things.
            All of those are perfect examples which reveal that God’s ways are not our ways. This still leaves me questioning my decisions at times. It might help view the situation from another viewpoint. Am I really seeking God’s will or am I looking for a reason to avoid doing something new and challenging? He doesn’t usually let us hang out in our comfort zones for long periods of time. We must step out of our comfort zones to grow in Christ. Perhaps you are facing such a decision. Will you help with Vacation Bible School this summer? Will you lead a small group bible study? Will you make a meal for and visit a shut-in? Will you…?
            We all have challenges of time constraints and family responsibilities (also important). Consider what God is asking of you and what he isn’t and realign your priorities accordingly. God will bless your efforts and will bless you, in that, there no doubt!
 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:26-28 (NIV)



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