
Showing posts from May, 2015


                This morning the sermon text spoke of the glory of God and how unimaginable it must be.   The verse that truly struck me was Isaiah 6:5, Isaiah is exposed to God’s glory and his words and actions display such humility and reverence; “ Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty . ”   In today’s world of selfies and doing what we can to get noticed, it is so hard to fathom that when we see someone of notoriety we might shrink into a corner humbly.                 Then we must consider the humility of Christ, to leave such glory and become a man was already humiliation but to follow that up with a common lifestyle and a ministry and death fraught with humiliation! So, I began to form a word picture that we might relate to (Don always loved word pictures).                 Imagine you are invited to a very fancy, formal soiree. You have found the abs


            Decisions; what is your guide to making a decision? I want very much to follow God’s will for me. Somethings are quite obvious and fit easily for me, others, not so much. It isn’t that something is “wrong” in fact it is quite the opposite but that doesn’t automatically indicate that it is right for me. It would be so sweet if God would send me a distinct message that said; I choose you for this role.             I begin to think of all the sayings and scriptures that apply, such as; God does not call the equipped. he equips the called. I also remember all the characters of biblical history that carried out God’s will: Abraham, left his home to go to the place God would show him, a very comfortable home too. Gideon, the least of the least, wiping out an army; Moses, a basket case with a speech impediment, leading the children of Israel; David, a shepherd boy and eventual adulterer, slaying a giant and capturing God’s own heart. The list is pretty extensive. In fact,


            I know it has been a while since I have written for this blog. However, I try to write as I am led by God and to be frank; I have not felt so led until now. So, what has he finally placed on my heart? Bricks.             We have had a stack of about 100 bricks (still have them) on our property for 23 years. When our daughters were younger and Don felt that they had been slacking around the house, whining or complaining too much and sometimes for no reason at all; he would have the girls move the pile of bricks. It wasn’t that the bricks needed to be moved, our children did. They can chuckle about it now; it is even a fond memory. That pile of bricks moved from the side of our house to the side of the studio a multitude of times over the years.             Lately, I have been thinking about those bricks a lot. I see the bricks as a metaphor for burdens. We all have burdens that we bear and ways of dealing with our burdens. If I were to give you a brick to carry, at