
Showing posts from May, 2019

Come As You Are

            Come as you are; it is a warm, casual invitation. It says, don’t trouble yourself with fancy clothes or preparing a dish to pass, just show up. I have often heard it said that we can come to Jesus as we are and that is true. We are invited to bring ourselves and all our baggage right to the foot of the cross and look up at his amazing love for us. We say, here I am and he looks at us and says welcome. When we view this incredible gift of grace we are encouraged, as we should be.             Here’s the kicker. Come as you are does not mean stay as you are where Jesus is concerned. All to often we bring ourselves with our baggage to the foot cross, we look up, we say thanks then we turn around, pick up our baggage and walk away again. We miss the point. We come to Jesus for transformation. Perhaps you are familiar with the Transformer toys where a truck can be transformed into a superhero. With Christ we can be transformed into superheroes too. Consider this; a hero saves