
Showing posts from April, 2017

Guilt or Love?

            This weekend is Easter weekend, a time of joyful Alleluias in celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. Before we arrive at the celebratory day however, we must recognize Good Friday, Jesus’ death. I have never been a fan of Good Friday; such a somber day, why need we relive it? For years, I felt it was the guilt trip of epic proportions for Christians. It was/is something of “epic proportion” but it isn’t guilt, it’s LOVE!             The love God has for us truly is epic! We must look at the big picture. Firstly, Jesus humbled himself to born of a virgin. He left His Father in heaven where he held a place of honor and power to become human flesh. He set aside his divine nature and took on flesh; meaning he experienced all the emotion, physical pains, and daily afflictions we do. He wasn’t born into a wealthy family, he did not have a cushioned life, he worked alongside his earthly father perhaps even hit his thumb with a hammer (we all do that at least once in our lives, rig